B.V. Grizlov, State Duma chairman of Federal Assembly of Russian Federation
All Russian forum “Strategic planning in the regions and cities of Russia” – an effective federal platform for multilateral dialog. It is devoted to the search of general approach to create of a common system of strategic planning in the country, reaching an agreement on sectoral and regional priorities of state regional politics. Moreover it is an opportunity to exchange views, experience and possible methods of solving actual problems of developing the system of strategic planning in Russia. Because of that fact State Duma is one of the organizers of Forum and supports its holding.

B.F. Basargin, Minister of regional development, Russian Federation
Formation of the common system of regional strategic planning is a guarantee for predictable and favorable environment for planning and realization of business projects and programs. The Ministry of regional development supports Forum as it raises questions of formation of the system of territorial strategic planning, improving coordination, borrowing multilateral dialog on long-term development priorities and creation and promotion of advanced standards of planning.

G.S. Izotova, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Federal Affairs and Regional Policy
Competition of anti-crisis strategies of regional development holding in the framework of Forum will allow public discussion of best practices and earliest exit of the regions from the crisis.
A.N. Klepach, Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
During Forum actual questions of strategic planning, intergovernmental fiscal relations, regional policy will be considered. Taking into account the relevance of regarded issues governors of all Russian regions will be invited and take active part in Forum.
Under the auspices of the Ministry of economic development of Russian Federation the discussion of the project of a federal law “About state strategic planning” will take part and also these program events and round tables:
- Formation and development of innovation systems
- Realization of cluster policy in regions and cities
- Mechanisms of strengthening of social partnership
- Instruments brand promotion
- Strategies of maritime territories
M.E. Dmitriev, President of the Centre for Strategic Studies
Forum that will be held on the lowest point of economic recession address the following tasks:
- First, to learn from the previous period of strategic planning. Actually in pre-crisis period inflow of investment was not directed towards resolving of the most important for economic development of the country questions. That leads to increase in imbalances in Russian economy. It depends much upon the undeveloped system of strategic and territorial planning, absence of effective mechanisms that can improve the quality and effectiveness of investments and the rate of economic growth on the whole.
- Second, apply maximum efforts to turn workable mechanisms of territorial and strategic planning into well-working and capable to the moment of getting out of the crisis.
B.S. Zhikharevich, Director of Resource centre on Strategic planning at the Leontief centre, supervisor of Forum
The program of Forum is very complicated, no less than 25 events. The central topic is fixation of the lessons of crisis in theory and practice of strategic planning and formulation principles of new post-crisis period of renovation of strategies. Moreover, actual questions in such strategic directions as: town planning, intergovernmental fiscal relations, regional policy, promotion of economic development and managing the implementation of strategies are also on the board.
Participants have a difficult task to choose in the most interesting and important. I hope that everybody will find the optimal root for the Forum and get necessary knowledge, bright impressions and useful contacts.

O.V. Molchanova, Acting deputy mayor of Novosibirsk
All your events we consider as a platform for creative exchange of ideas and experience of strategic planning, the importance of which for municipal and regional systems of managing is difficult to overestimate.

A.P. Evtyxov, Deputy Governor of the Tula region
Annual activities of Forum became an effective public platform for multilateral and constructive dialog, directed to the search of common approaches to development of a common system of regional strategic planning. Topic of new Forum is urgent in the conditions of undergoing of world financial crisis.