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Magazine «Budget»
"Budget" is a professional magazine for financiers and economists, public sector managers, businessmen working in the key branches of economy.
The magazine pays special attention to the problems of public administration reform, communal services sector reform, municipal reform in Russian Federation.
Our magazine tells its readers about the development of public financial management, the implementation of national priority projects and everything that happens in public finance sector (current state budget and its priorities, vital financial problems of the regions and municipalities, etc.) Our special rubrics “Portrait of the Region” and “Portrait of the City” are devoted to the socio-economic and cultural development of the federal subjects of Russia and city districts.
“Budget” has occupied a unique niche of a magazine on public finance and has become an acknowledged and convenient place for discussions.
ITAR-TASS has accumulated a rich body of experience throughout the course of its more than 100-year history. The agency’s widespread network of correspondents, its modern means of distributing and storing information, and a well-oiled mechanism of cooperation between its editorial, reference and reporter departments, all enable ITAR-TASS to provide quick and full coverage of all kinds of events shaping Russia and the world.
Currently, It has more than 130 bureaus and offices in Russia and abroad. ITAR-TASS also cooperates with more than 80 foreign news agencies. ITAR-TASS’ editorial and other desks process information from correspondents, check and analyze facts, and translate into five foreign languages.
“Economic Strategies”
“Economic Strategies” (“ES”) – a journal for those with strategic thinking and a motivation for success
The “Economic Strategies” focuses on exploration of the scenarios of the future and the lessons of the past, strategies for business and state, reviews of the political and business environment, the art of government, and risk evaluation.
The journal has been published by the Institute for Economic Strategies (INES) since 1999. It is currently published 12 times a year.
Each issue is devoted to a specific topic. Among them are valuation activity, insurance, business education and other pressing issues of modern social, economic and cultural life.
The journal also regularly publishes opinions of various state and public figures, business leaders, and world-renowned experts in politics and economics. The journal is included in the list of key peer-reviewed scientific publications, designated by the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC). Current circulation is 12 000 copies.
Baltic Media Group (BMG), the largest media corporation of Russia’s northwestern region, was created in 2004. As of now it includes several of St. Petersburg’s leading print and electronic media: 100TV television channel, Radio Baltica, BaltInfo information agency, federal daily paper Nevskoe Vremya (Neva Times), Smena (The Change) weekly paper, Vecherny Peterburg (Evening Petersburg) citywide daily paper and BMG Public Reception Service.
The primary mission of Baltic Media Group and the goal of all its subsidiaries is to help the people.
Every media in the holding is characterized by active civic position. The media group is constantly inventing new ways to act, making the life of St. Petersburg’s citizens more interesting and bright as the result.
Even though the Baltic media group is located regionally, the interests of its every branch reach far beyond even the national borders of Russia. All of the holding’s media are closely monitoring national and global events, which we subsequently present to the audience putting a St. Petersburg spin on them.
Magazine «Gubernskiy»
"Gubernskiy" is the business magazine which consists of information about Russian regions.
For leaders of the main Russian companies, governmental departments, which responsible for solving important problems in the fields of social and economical life – this magazine is «Gubernskiy» helps the authority and business to be in common.
In addition to this, this magazine is important for experts community, which working out strategies of developping region’s economy and images of different Russian territories.
All things consider, it can be also said, that there is lots of information about such issues as: ways of industrial politics and inculculation projects about economical co-operation with Russian regions.
Rossiiskaya Gazeta
"Rossiiskaya Gazeta" (Russian Gazette) is published by the new Russian state. It was founded by the Government of the Russian Federation, and its first issue appeared on 11 November 1990. "Rossiiskaya Gazeta" enjoys official status, because acts of state come into effect upon their publication there. Its circulation is about 180 437 copies.
General Director - Gorbenko Alexander Nikolaevich,
Chief Editor - Fronin Vladislav Alexandrovich.
Quarterly Magazine «Territory Development Management»
For the specialists in the area of the state and municipal management, territorial planning and development of urban planning documentation.
Target audience: The heads and experts of governmental and local authorities, specialists of architecture, urban planning and management of land property complexes, developers of town-planning documentation.
The Open Economy» site (www.OpEc.ru)
The "Open Economy" site (www.OpEc.ru) started in the autumn of 2000, when the initiative group was supported by many leading economy experts, including the Fund "Open Economy", led by Alexander Shokhin, then – vice-premier of the Russian government.
The main goal of the “Open Economy” was constructing an environment of communication for economic expert community, to involve professional experts to the process of government decisions workout.
Discussions, public expertises provided by www.OpEc.ru become a part of process of creation the economic policy.
The project open for cooperation with any expert groups and organizations.
Electronic magazine «GosManagement»
Magazine "GosManagement" is an electronic media. The project was launched early in 2010.
The magazine is aimed at state and municipal administration, public finance, e-government and published for state and municipal departments in charge of economics, finance and information.
We are available for cooperation and partnership with experts, media dealing with economics, finance and information.
The certificate on mass media registration: Эл № ФС77-37449 from Sept., 4th, 2009.
Forum PROEstate
International Investment Forum PROEstate 2010 will take place on 8 – 10 September 2010 in St. Petersburg. PROEstate is a multi-format and multi-disciplinary event focusing on urban development and real estate market.
The Real Estate Investment Forum is organized by the Ministry of Regional Development, the Government of St. Petersburg and the Guild of Property Managers and Developers.
PROEstate ambition is to continue as the main B2B forum of authorities, investors and real estate professionals of Northern and Eastern Europe.
Guild of Managers and Developers
Guild of Property Managers and Developers (GMD or GUD) is the association of property managers, developers and other real estate professionals of Russia and CIS countries.
GMD strategic objectives are to enhance the growth of real estate market and increase professional expertise of member-companies.
GARANT Company is a leader in the Russian IT market. For more than 20 years we have supplied information on the Russian legislation both in English and Russian.
GARANT includes specialized databases on all branches of the federal legislation and regional legislation. The decisions of ten Federal Arbitration Courts of Circuits and twenty Appellation Courts are presented in the system. The information resources of the GARANT system exceed 4 000 000 documents.
At present all fundamental Russian laws have been translated into English including documents concerning the civil law, tax law and the avoidance of double taxation, customs law, etc. Thanks to the professional translation, powerful search system and information analysis you and your foreign colleagues can always quickly find the law, code or international agreement you are interested in.
Ekonomika I Zhizn’ All-Russia Newspaper
Founded on 6 November 1918, Ekonomika I Zhizn is the oldest high-volume economic weekly in Russia, as well as the most reputable B2B edition. The newspaper is distributed by subscription in all regions of the Russian Federation, and its audience is more than half a million readers per issue (according to TNS Gallup Media).
The mission of the newspaper is to support business management and services with the economical and financial expertise.
The weekly advises on corporate governance, business and financial management, as well as taxation, accounting, legislation in different fields of law, legal defence of the business interests in the arbitration court. It analyzes and predicts the economy developments in Russia and globally.
100TV channel
100 TV is a privately owned 24 hour television broadcasting channel, on air since 2003 and focusing on information and enlightenment.
First and foremost 100TV is a channel for St. Petersburg’s citizens, covering the life of St. Petersburg. The most pressing and relevant issues of the city’s life are scrutinized, the channel’s team is quick to react to every problem of the city and the citizens.
100 TV schedule includes information, analysis, sports, entertainment, talk shows, telethons, as well as movies and documentaries for every generation. It also hosts the live broadcasts of the football (FC Zenith) and hockey (SKA) games. A number of 100 TV’s works have garnered awards of television and journalistic community: TEFI Region, Golden Quill, etc.
A network of new transceivers put 100 TV – locally in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region – in the same league as the First national channel, Rossiya and 5th channel. 100 TV’s programs are also available on the web site, www.tv100.ru
Baltic Information Agency «BaltInfo»
Baltic Information Agency was created in early 1998 and joined BMG in 2004. Cross-media partnership inside the holding is responsible for BaltInfo’s key feature – the combination of different media types. The agency’s web site hosts both newswire type items, articles, reports, photo and video galleries.
Today BaltInfo is a leading source of quickly and exclusively available information, primarily covering St. Petersburg, Northwestern region of Russia, Baltic and CIS states. The agency’s interest is also on nationwide and global events. Working around the clock, the wire is updated every few minutes.
By early 2010 BaltInfo has become one of the most visited and widely quoted information sites in St. Petersburg.BaltInfo’s press center also hosted almost every political, cultural, sport and business newsmakers of the city.
Nevskoe Vremya
Daily newspaper Nevskoe Vremya (Neva Times) has first seen the light in January 1991. It is rightfully recognized as one of the finest samples of St. Petersburg’s press and of the city’s journalistic school.
As of today the paper is printed and circulated in St. Petersburg, Karelia, Murmansk, Kaliningrad, Vologda, Cherepovets, Republic Komi and Arkhangelsk, circulated also in Leningrad, Pskov and Novgorod regions as well as Moscow.Nevskoe Vremya’s journalistic network spans many regions of Russia but also foreign countries both near and far.Nevskoe Vremya is the paper for those who are doing real business and make important decisions. The target group is mainly those who have a broad scope, those who hold value in competent opinion, vivid essays and linguistic richness.
New Year 2011 is the time of Nevskoe Vremya’s 20th anniversary
Groteck is a leading Russian b2b media company. We publish 38 titles for industry professionals in security, telecom, IT, broadcasting, building and construction, transportation, etc.
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